Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let the Fish be Your Teachers

Every couple of years Betsy and I take a snorkeling trip. In the next few days that is where I will be. There is something very mystical and refreshing about spending some time with God's fish. I woke up this morning wondering just what made it so and then a verse from the book of Job popped into my mind. (No it didn't I had to look it up and then it popped into my mind...don't want you to think I'm dreaming in scriptural technicolor or something.)

In one of Job's rantings (that's right when you hear about the "patience of Job" it is a stretch...with "friends" like Job had, his patience included debating, defending, and generally ranting at them and God for eight or nine see, you might be more patient than you think in terms of "biblical patience.") Job wonders how he can perceive the ways of a very mysterious God. A clue comes in Job 12: 8...When Job again ponders just how he can ever comprehend the hidden ways of God he is told, "Speak to the earth and it will teach you; and the fish will explain to you."

Ah so you see my trip is really a kind of "fishing expedition" to ascertain the ways of God! Why this could even end up being tax-deductible if I frame it right.

Forget the tax benefit, the real value of putting your head underwater and looking at these beautiful creatures is that for a moment you share a silent world with multi-colored wonder. Sometimes while floating limp and steady I find myself staring at a fish who is staring back at me. Of course I'm just visiting its world and I cannot tell if it is simply being "patient" with me or studying me.

I imagine what the fish might be thinking: "Who is this strange un-colorful being that floats on the surface with a pipe in its mouth in order to breathe? Poor thing has to have help to even stick its head in my world. It must be of low intelligence not to be able to figure out how to breathe in my wonderful space without having to reach above for life. Is this poor creature with appendages bobbing about its body like so much seaweed not aware of the life giving surrounding that gives it life and support? Why does it not simply take in its surroundings and live? It has to artificially connect itself in order to even look at me. I suppose it is looking at me. Those eyes are hidden behind some screen so it can't even feel the glory of my world. Poor thing. I've seen its kind before. They appear to be so trapped in their world and somehow it seems that those who come this way look at me with longing as if they desire to really be in my world. Why don't you take off your mask and breathe with me? Enough for now O strange one. Go back to your limited life. Come visit when you can. You seem to need it."

"Speak to the earth and it will teach you; and the fish will explain to you..." It may take a bit of imagination but if we listen carefully, Creation can "teach and explain" that which we seem to not understand in other ways. So now I shall go forth in order to learn some lessons on how to be...from some of Gods' special fish.

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