Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Conversation with God

So if you haven’t figured it out by now, I have this very active imagination and since as I write this I have been working with Psalm 139 that speaks of being “known” by God, here is my version of a “conversation with God.”
A Conversation with God

God- Hey, what you doing just now?
Me- Uh, is that you or is this my imagination again?
G- Yes, and yes.  Who do you think created your imagination anyway?  Just how do you think
            I get through to you?  You won’t find me in your “inbox” and I am not into texting.
M- Okay, you don’t have to get sarcastic…or do you?
G- I’ll be anyway I desire.  Remember the first thing you people of mine ever heard from me is,
            “I AM WHO I AM.”  Moses had a hard time with that and it seems you folks still do
            not get the reality that words will never capture me.  In fact you can’t really
            ever condense me into your concepts.  I am bigger than all of that.  Hey, but I am
            not so big that I do not care about being with you.
M- How is it that you created all those billions of galaxies so long ago but you really have time
            for…well for me?
G- There you go again, trying to figure me out.  Give it up.  That brain of yours, that I also
            created…O, while I am at it I am sorry you had such a tough time with Algebra…but
            I do not intervene on things like that.  I am not sure who invented Algebra anyway…So
            back to my point…even I wonder around a bit….You see your brain will never
            be able to comprehend me so that is why I did invent faith.  There are all kinds of
            reasons out there to “not” believe in me.  So many people want me to be some kind
            of cosmic” fix-it-make-everything-turn-out right” kind of God…or the “man upstairs”…
            or a divine Santa Claus….by the way Santa Claus is not all bad but for goodness
            sake don’t forget the real Christmas…I invented that too.  Sometimes you just
            have to believe…because of and sometimes in spite of.
M- I really appreciate you dropping by or whatever this is.
G- I am always “here.”  You get too busy to notice and I am not being cute or sarcastic this
            time.  You need to “notice” more.  Cruise Control is for cars not for you.  So many
            times at the end of the day you do not even know where you’ve been.  Where are
            you people going so fast?  Where are you headed?  “Stop, look, and listen” was
            not just a phrase you should have learned in school.  My son said it first when he
            told his small band of followers, “The Kingdom of my father is best understood if
            you come as a child.”  So remember how inquisitive and open children are.  The truth
            is, to me, you will always be a child of mine no matter your age.
M- Will you talk to me like this again?
G- How far away is your imagination..your quiet place…your soul that I put there?  One person
            called it listening for that still small voice.  Take the time and you will encounter me.  I
            never go away even when you feel I am not there.  I am bigger and deeper than your
            feelings.  Now you can whisper “amen.”

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