Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Now What?

So I have known this was coming for years but now it is here.  It is called retirement.  As I look at the word on the screen it seems to be describing something that happens at a tire recapping place.  You know, they take what is old and put an extra layer on the old tired tire and send it back out for for some extra miles.

Well I am waiting for the recap but first I am allowed to absorb the first stage of this retirement thing.  So you take the middle of the word and make it as a response to all those "congratulations" I have been hearing.  "Congratulations," for these past few weeks at first  felt strange. What am I being congratulated for?  Did I just win something but missed it?

O, you mean I get a chance to recover for maybe being tired after 45 years of being a preacher?  I read that this first stage of retirement is called "extended vacation."  So I am kind of enjoying my "vacation."  Trouble is I am never sure what day it is..really.  I was told the other day by a friend of mine who experienced the same thing a few years ago when he retired that in the morning when I go out to pick up the newspaper I need to start noticing the day.  Ah, I have just learned my first lesson in living in this new world and space.

I am told that where I am is called liminal space.  Liminal is described as that place and space between times and is present when major transitions happen.  This all sounds good and accurate but it is also true.  My markers have disappeared, at least for a while.

Everyday seems like Friday.  That used to be my day off.  No, it does not feel like Saturday because for 45 years Saturday was the day before Sunday.  It was a party day for most folks but preachers learn real quick not to party too hardy on Saturday or there will be hell to pay.  Did I just write that?  Hey, I am retired I can say that now, can't I.  Well the truth is I said it before just not as loud.

So I shall enjoy my extended vacation for a while and try not to make all these Fridays into some form of Groundhog Day.  I mean today I am sitting here just writing away not sure where this is going.  It is not like I have to have three points and a poem or make sure I stay true to the text.  Gosh, this is kind of fun.

If you are reading this it must mean you have at least some leisure time to read something that you do not have to read.  Hi  there.  Join me for a moment in a brief liminal break.

But if you are not yet at the recap place I must remind you that I just checked the morning paper and it is not Friday.  That is okay because I learned long ago that if you pay attention everyday is a gift.  I want to not retire from that reality. 

I am going to write some more now on this blog since I have time and space.  I am watching the birds outside my window just now.  I am not just glancing at them like I use to before I had to get up and get with it.  I am actually watching them.  I feel like that scene in the movie "Men in Black" when the aging agent gets ready to be zapped in order to wipe out his memory of years of fighting intergalactic monsters.  He looks at his partner, hands him the zapping instrument, and just before he loses his memory he looks up at the stars and says, "They're beautiful aren't they!"

For years he has been employed because of what those stars have produced in the form of the challenge of dealing with visitors from the stars.  Now he is going to be zapped and will get the chance to see the stars as stars.

So as one who has worked with people for 45 years and yes has dealt with lots of people problems I simply say I look forward to looking at you with a smile on my face and say, "You know you are beautiful." 

Zap, wow what a great Friday.

1 comment:

  1. As one who is still working, I look forward to learning from you again, through this blog, as you "lead us" this time into a fulfilling retirement life.(smile)
