Wednesday, August 3, 2016

An Interview with a Butterfly

So I am out cutting the grass the other day and this beautiful swallowtail butterfly landed on a radiant purple flower.  The yellow and black winged creature looked simply majestic as it drew some needed nourishment from its perch.

That's when it happened.  I turned off the lawnmower as I listened to what I at first thought was the wind blowing through the flower garden:

Butterfly:  Did you now I can eat and look over my "shoulder" at the same time?
Me:  What?  I mean is that you?
B:  Well, it's sure not the flower.  Well I mean flowers can speak but you have to know how to listen and you two legged beings simply do not know how to listen.  Why you can't even listen to each other much less the nature you walk around and over all the time.
M:  You are mighty presumptuous for someone to whom I have not even been introduced.
B:  Excuse me.  I spoke to you earlier but that monster of a machine you are sitting on makes the most awful noise so you could not hear me for sure.  You two legged creatures are mostly noise makers you know.  So now that you have cut it off I will tell you my name.  It is Suwah.  It means breeze carrier in butterfly language.  So what's on your mind noisy one?
M:  You started the conversation.  What do you mean what's on "my" mind?
B:  You noise makers always have something on your mind.  That is another reason you do not hear or see beings like me.  Your minds are too full to take in what is around you.
M:  Since we are talking...I mean I guess we are talking...I've always wanted to ask this question.  How do you feel about working so hard to get here and then only living for less than a month.  I hear that some of your relatives only live a few days.  I may be noisy but I am not stupid.  I know that you start as an egg on a leaf for five or so days, then you crawl around as a caterpillar for a two to five weeks, and then you do that spinning death thing where you weave your own tomb for two weeks...and all that to live less than a month!
B:  So what is your point?  You sound like it is not worth the effort.  How much spinning have you done?  Do you know how quiet it can be in that thing you call a tomb?  It is there that we prepare for flight.  By the way have you ever flown?  O, I do not mean with one of your noise makers that you sit in.  I mean flown using that which the Creator endowed you with?  Don't stutter with false knowledge.  You make wings but you do not have wings.  Believe me, it's worth it.
M:  I am not sure what to say.
B:  That is a good beginning.
M:  I am not sure anyone is going to believe this conversation ever happened.
B:  Does it matter?  What matters is that you believe it.  Your world is so noisy.  You air is full of vibrations that clutter the breeze.  So much of what is in your noise is full of judgement and displeasure.  What happend to your kind?  Perhaps you need to rest on a leaf for a few days, and then crawl slowly around so as not to run through life; and yes, you perhaps need to risk the kind of rest that appears to be a nothing to the watching world but is in truth a kind of death to noise that leads to life.
M:  Where are you going?
B:  O, I'm not sure.  Where the breeze takes me I suppose.  Since you are so well read about butterflies you might want to remember what you learned about the Creator.  It all started with the breeze you know.  The Creator breathed and the breeze was formed.  That breeze filled everything.  I think in your language the word is "spirit."  Nice talking with you.  I better follow the breeze now because according to you I do not have much time.  But you see, my new friend, I have all the time in the world.  O, how I love the breeze.
M:  (silence)


  1. I love this blog and I love butterflies as did your mother. Love you, Cuz.

    1. Ah maybe that is where i get the butterfly stuff!!
