Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pope Francis for President

So now that I am retired and "free" I'm thinking about becoming a Catholic.  I really like Pope Francis.  In fact I am nominating him for President.  Forget the need to be born in America.  We need real leadership no matter what the birth certificate says.  Well, I know that in North Carolina the birth certificate thing is the topic of yet another issue, which by the way also could use some real leadership.

Anyway back to my campaign for Pope Francis.  Recently at a "leadership" conference Pope Francis urged the many thousands of young people there to "take a risk, because life is not meant to be tucked away."  He then said, "People may judge you to be dreamers because you believe in a new humanity, one that rejects hatred  between peoples, one that refuses to see borders as barriers and can cherish its own traditions without being self-centered or small-minded."  Wow, what a breath of fresh air.  We sure need that kind of vision in an American where a lot of people are so angry and frustrated that  they seem willing to follow a kind of leadership model that is "self-centered and small-minded."

In terms of me switching denominations perhaps I am jumping ship too soon but I sure like what the Pope said about God at this same setting.  He said that negativity was a "virus infecting and blocking everything."  He must be keeping up with our recent political scene.  He then advocated that the young people there remember to hold on to the real God.  Then he offered some really good insight into what the real God is like.  I mean he is the Pope, he's supposed to know such things.

Pope Francis said, "Trust the memory of God: His memory is not a hard disk that saves and archives all our data, but a heart filled with tender compassion."  Maybe he can't be President but I am sure glad he won his own election.  We need someone telling who God is rather than some of the word-smiths who seem to know a God I care not to know.

So I suppose I will remain Methodist, at least for now, although we Methodist seem to have our own set of barriers when it comes to including people.  We have been "fighting" over what it means to be a sexual being for what seems like an eternity.  When the Pope was asked about this issue a few months back he simply said, "Who am I to judge?"  Someone was overheard responding, "You're the Pope, for Christ's sake!"

Well yes it seems he is the Pope "for Christ's sake" and not just for the church's sake.  The Pope for President.  He uses only one e mail server, or does he even do e mails?  He is interested in building bridges rather than walls.  His "spin doctor" died of natural causes years ago so he tells the truth whether church leaders like it or not.  He loves to kiss and bless babies so see he knows the political ways.

So I'm e mailing him and signing up to be his campaign manager.  I have time now.  So here is his first slogan:  "Francis, Francis; he's our man.  He can do it better than what we presently have can!"  I am also volunteering to be his speech writer, although I tend to think he does not need one.  I have some one liners for him though:  "Let's make American humble again"....or..."Working with you!"   And by the way I already know his "platform."  You can find it in the words of his namesake; "Lord make me an instrument of your peace...."  Look up the rest.  It is time tested and works if tried.  The Pope for President!