Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Pondering a Coming Hurricane


So I am sitting on my back deck reading my insurance policies and feeling sorry for myself.  “The worst hurricane ever,” is headed toward our home at the beach and is then predicted to come “our way” inland to have dessert after the main meal.  So, I am in the dumps.  Find me some worms to eat.
            And then she appears, quite uninvited but welcomed.  Her painted arms lay still for a moment and then there is the whisper in the breeze;
            “So, take a deep breath O creature of the dust. That is what you are you know.  You
                        think yourself big and strong but as I look your way you seem O so fragile
                        just now.  All that stuff you have in those buildings, what is it really?
                        Here I am looking at you with all that worry on your strained face.  I
                        only have a few more days to spread my wings and you worry about
                        your future.  Look my way and remember life is always fragile but
                        you forget it so often.  Be thankful and ponder what someone once
                        said, ‘Look at the birds and flowers, do they fret and yet the Creator
                        not only created them but cares for them.’  Breathe deep and be

            So, does this butterfly bring me a message from beyond?  I suppose if I pay attention the lesson is most real.  All my need for control is laughed at by the voice from beyond.  So I shall pause and be reminded that life is so much more than the dwelling places we build with our hands.  The one who once spoke of a “house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens,” must have sent me a winged messenger to get my attention about what is really important.
            So, thank you.

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