Saturday, September 1, 2018

So Why am I Crying: a poem written after watchng John McCain's funeral

So Why am I Crying?
(a poem/prayer after watching John McCain’s Funeral)

So divided we are
and yet
there they were
all lined up
next to each other
like maybe
it is supposed to
be that way

Presidents all, of
different colors
and stripes
competitors for
a season
but now
united in grief
and honor

What have we become
all hiding in
our prideful tribes
afraid that
someone or anyone
might “tread on me”
or get
something undeserved

Can we find the good
that rests beneath
the need to win
and gain notice
so that we
will be
right while
others are wrong

God you were there in that
room listening
to all those noble words
about a man who wanted
more for our nation
not less
Please whisper into the stopped
up ears of our leaders
to clear away the
clutter of” me and mine”
and find a
new way to

Rest in peace, John
but haunt us
 with your restless presence
that stirred within your
wounded chest
You and the God whose
face you now see please
come visit us
with a new vision
that allows us to
again see
what true
greatness is….

Jody Seymour
September 1, 2018

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