Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Well, day two of blogging. I hope my blogging does not resemble my jogging or my words will get slower and older before your very eyes. Ah, enough of that. Now for the thought for today:

The Service of Morning Prayer in the back of our hymnal begins with these words, "New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world." As many of you know my wife Betsy loves to grow, hybridize, and share daylilie's. She tirelessly tends the soil, weeds, dead-heads, and cherishes her daylilie's.

Every morning during the peak season, which is short, she rises early and eagerly goes out to see "who" is blooming. Yes, her lilies are personal to her. Each one has a name, either given by the one she obtained the lilly from or bestowed by Betsy if the Lilly is a result of her hybridizing. You see if you grow a "seedling" you get the right to name it.

A day lily is just that. It only blooms for one day. "New every morning is your love, great God of light," could be the patron prayer of those who love and grow daylilies. I am reminded that each of us only has one day. That is today.

We do not remember the day of our "planting" but the one who gently placed us in the soil of life does remember it. The Creator also remembers the day of our watering, a moment we call Baptism. In our scriptures it says that to God a thousand years is but as a day. Ah, we are day lillies. We have our day in the sun. Each day, no matter how many or how few we have, is but a "day" to God.

For the Master Gardener time is not as it is to us. Each day is eternity. "So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Your parents may have given you a name that was spoken at your baptism but before that there was one who truly named you and who truly knows you....every day at a time....for all eternity. is used too often..I say in a new way to you, "Have a good day...bloom where you are planted..."

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