Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Bethlehem Gazaette

The Bethlehem Gazette

Rumors Abound about New Birth

            Rumors about a strange happening are circulating around town this morning.  In the midst of the anger and frustration about yet another Roman required registration some people are actually believing that the long awaited Messiah was born in a stable last night.
            While many think that such an event would be ridiculous, it just goes to show how desperate many people are for some good news in the midst the hopeless feeling that seems to pervade the culture.  One of our reporters actually happened upon the strange scene and discovered a group of shepherds kneeling beside a feeding trough for animals.
            Knowing the reputation of the local shepherds it seems quite absurd that the one who is supposed to “deliver” God’s people from bondage would be greeted by a group that is not allowed or welcomed to come into Bethlehem.  Shepherds are known for lack of cleanliness and have often been caught stealing from some of the residents who live at the edge of town.
            On top of all this, part of the rumor mill includes whispers about the character of the mother of the child.  Word from Nazareth tells of some of the elders in the town going to the local rabbi demanding that the woman be stoned for adultery.  It was only the firm insistence of her betrothed  husband that quieted the gathering storm.  It seems he agreed to go ahead and take the young woman as his wife in spite of the remaining questions about exactly who the father is..
            If the accusation is true about the child’s linage then surely the assertion that the child is the Messiah would be ill founded.  However, word has come to our politics editor that King Herod is troubled by this “news.”  Why a man who holds such power as Herod would even bother with such idle tales is surprising to say the least.
            Most of these rumors would probably be dismissed quickly if it were not for the discovery of a group of pilgrims from far away who inquired late last night about “where he who is born King of the Jews” might be found.  These men stated that they had come from the East because of research they had conducted on the movement of a certain star.  They further claimed that this particular star was a sign that a new king would be born.
            Why they would travel so far based on such strange news leaves some people wondering if there just may be some truth in all this.  The local innkeeper was questioned by our reporter and his only response was, “If what they say is true I sure feel terrible about not being able to find a place for them except in my stable.”
            You are reading this in the “News Around Town” section of the paper because our religion editor thinks that to print such a story is simply to add to people’s false hopes.  He went on to state that God surely would not do such a thing and that all of these rumors would soon be quieted by reality.  I decided to include this story because, well, you never know.

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