Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Always On

This is "vacation week" but I'm back in the office today for a funeral. When I do seminars for "young clergy" I tell them that if they signed up for a "job" they are in the wrong work. Being a pastor is a "life." You are always "on."

If you are going to complain about always being "on" then you've got problems. Pastors are "shepherds" to the sheep and sheep and thier needs do not take a vacation. Of course this can be "dangerous" because all of us need some time when we are not "on" but are "off."

One of my mentors, Eugene Peterson writes that the phrase "busy pastor" should have the same ring as "embezzeling banker." Peterson says that we pastors better find some time for our own renewal or we will get awfully thirsty giving other people water. I know what he means. I've lived it. I've even written a book about it called, "A Time for Healing: Overcoming the Perils of Ministry."

You've got to know about to write about it. I know about it.

What I've learned is that I have to take some time for fun and spiritual renewal. I handle "religious stuff" all the time but that is my "work." I found out by failing at it that preaching sermons, taking care of others, and praying for the flock is not the same as nurturing my own soul.

So yes, I interupted my "time off" to come back and I would not have done otherwise...but...I will also need to be mindful that even though there is not an "off" switch when it comes to being a pastor that does not mean I am not supposed to find a place by the well for me to drink the water.

No one can take "your journey" for you. Pastors have to learn that even as they tell others...
Bless you,

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