Friday, August 28, 2009

The End is Near

When I was a child I was afraid that Jesus would "come back" and I would be in the bathtub. Then I got over it.

I never understood, even back then, how Jesus was supposed to "come back" and everybody see him at the same time all over the world. Then there was that time that a lady was cutting my hair and she rested the scissors on my ear and said, "Don't you want Jesus to come again and end it all so that your children will not have to grow up in this evil world?"

I had not thought about this since my bathtub days but her scissors rested on my ear so I was not sure whether to tell her the truth or simply say, "sure" and perhaps save my ear. This lady was adamant about Jesus needing to come and get us out of this mess. "Aren't you a minister....Don't you want Jesus to come again and save us?"

I took a chance in spite of the risk of ear slashing, "Well, no I guess I don't. I want my children to follow Jesus and grow up and help Jesus redeem this broken world." Well, I still have my ear and I still feel the same way.

I do not have much patience with those who are always talking about the end especially those who seem to be sure they are going to be taken out of this world and a whole lot of others are going to be "left behind." A good deal of the biblical interpretation that this "fiction" is based on is what I call the "Bible out of focus." After some study, this view called "dispensationalism" is found to be based on what is known as Darbyism. In my humble opinion Mr. Darby got it wrong but once you set your coordinates at the beginning of a journey your destination is "determined." A lot of folks just don't realize that the coordinates are wrong and end up talking about the "end" when the beginning is wrong...but don't confuse them with the facts.

Anyway, I think we have a lot of work to do "now" and ought to leave the "end" to God and the cosmic time clock that is beyond our horizon. I'll put my "chips" on the premise that God still has some healing to do with this broken world and we are to be part of that healing.

I'll close with a portion of my friend Ed Kilbourne's song, "I'd Rather be Used than Saved"...bless you

I'd Rather Be Used Than Saved
(Ed Kilbourne © 1971 Myown Music)

Did the Jesus Movement, move you?
Did you buy their plan?
Did you memorize lots of Bible verses but never meet the Man?
I'm always mad when I've been had but I could have done much worse
Like the gang that keeps humming 'bout the second coming
'Cause they probably missed the first

CHORUS: I know the Pope lost all hope
He won't even wave
And the Jehovah's Witness, question my fitness
They think I misbehave
And the Children Of God think that I'm a fraud
They're sure they got it made
And Billy Graham may not know who I am
But I'd rather be used than saved

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