Monday, July 27, 2009

Hummingbird Fights

This morning I watched hummingbird fights. There are at least two "sets" of hummingbirds that are constantly fighting over the flowers and feeders next to our back porch.

So I came in and googled "Why do hummingbirds fight?" I should have known. It's territorial. Once a hummingbird stakes out a food source they claim it as "theirs" and they fight to control it. With their transparent wings flapping a 50 times a second they bob and weave and bash each other. "That flower is mine sucker, get the heck out-a here!"

What if I step off my porch and say to both of them, "Well guess what this is my garden and the truth is these flowers belong to me so there!" If I listen carefully I would probably hear amidst the flapping of wings, "O buzz off big strange creature."

I wonder if that is how God feels when God observes our bobbing and weaving and claiming things as "ours." "This is my house, my car, my country...." What if God steps off the "porch" and says, "Truthfully all of this is mine. You are just passing through. Why all this fighting? Can't you learn to appreciate what is....and learn to share...and remember who gave it to you?"

Would we say, "Buzz off" and keep on flappinig and fighting?

Thanks for the reminder O little strange creatures....

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